Muh Links

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

In these times...

So my mom and I were talking yesterday about her friend. Who happens to be about to drop $4000.00 on a dog! I heard this and I was completely outraged! I mean, obviously, unless you are living under a rock, you know we are in a recession. People have opened up animal soup kitchens! Shelter submission is at an all time high! Shelter's are having to euthanize 3x the animals that they were having to last year. People can't afford their animals! And you are seriously telling me she is going to spend 4k on a dog?!?!
I can totally understand about wanting a certain breed line and wanting the line that has the least amount of hip displasiya, or any other medical problems. But you are seriously telling me that you want to spend $4000 on that dog and then spend a ton more money traveling around the US showing it? I mean I understand, but the outrage isn't any less.
Instead why don't you adopt a dog from a shelter and give the rest of that money to that shelter to keep the animals there alive for another week! I mean, wouldn't helping others feel so much better than winning a ribbon and some points on your dog?! Wouldn't the feeling that you kept animals alive for another week or two, feel better than running around a ring and getting a championship?
I know a championship and points on your dog may be a big part of your life, but in these times when people can't afford their housing, schools, animals, food, anything..wouldn't it feel better to give back. You obviously are making enough to afford your bills and all, why don't you give back. You're blessed, and you help. Why don't you?