Muh Links

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Imma be okay

So, today has been better. A lot better. I haven't really thought about Pat. Really, the only time I have, I turned around and saw Mike Rowe in a fluffy short red robe with a cute pink heart on it, talking about Tilapia eating it's own poop. That was enough to stop my thoughts of a demolished relationship.
Things are going better. Pat and I talked today and not about the break up. I think things will get better. I spent oh gosh, like three hours today just throwing Tibby (see left) his rope bone. Which he enjoyed immensely! I've been trying to teach him to stay.. that's not going too well. lol.
I do have faith that things will get better. Maybe right now isn't the right time for a relationship, for either of us. Maybe one day, fate will bring us back together. Maybe not. Who knows. I still have thoughts that he'll be with someone new. But it isn't anything I can control. I've just got to remember to keep praying and keep asking God to help me heal and help me not worry about the things I cannot control. I've just got to worry about me, I guess. Me and my kids. I've got to acquire a job and some monies. I still don't know how that will happen in this one horse town, but God's got my back
On to other subjects. Can you believe that KU vs MIst game last night?!?! I cannot believe that KU lost in the Sweet 16!! I cried.. a little.. one tear. It's alright though. We're still a great team!

Anyway, that's all I've got to say now,


sheri amor said...

of course you will be okay.. I've read about pat.. and your relationship.. but I guess time to let go now.. i know it's difficult right? I've experienced the same way too.. btw.. the tilapia eats its own poo? ewww ^_^